Cyber-Town Pack

Click here for Showcase Video

Download playable Demo: Playable Demo (Character is NOT included)


Cyber-Town is not only a simple Asset Pack. What you will get is a pack of high-quality assets combined with user-friendly tools such as Building Generator, Railing and Pipes Spline Tool, Customizable Billboard Tool, and, many other tools that makes environment creation as easy as few clicks.

*Character is Murdock from Paragon Free Pack.

Update 1.2 Notes:

-Added baking functionality to Building Structure and Fire Escape blueprints. Now you can convert the blueprint to static mesh actors to save performance

-Fixed issue with Building Structure not being visible in packaged builds/standalone due to file corruption

-Fixed issue with spline tools being invisible in packaged builds

Update 1.3 Notes:

-Fixed Door Frame 01a Huge Collision Issue

Technical Details

2 Pre-Assembled Maps (Showcase)

·        Daylight

·        Midnight

1 Overview Map

Free Playable Demo build

6 Procedural and Cosmetic Tools

·        Building Generator Tool

·        Railing Spline Tool

·        Pipes and Wire Spline Tool

·        Customizable Billboard Tool

·        Customizable Traffic Sign Tool

·        Parentable Dynamic Material Instance Creator (Creates DMI for any static mesh of your choice and let you edit their parameters in real-time)

2 Master Materials

·        More than 100 material instances

More than 140 Unique and Modular Assets

·        Props such as Dumpsters, Tables, Stools, Ladder, Electric Box and many more

·        Modular Architecture Pieces such as Concrete Walls, Doors, Pillars, and many more

·        Hovering Car Blueprint with several options for headlights switch, engine on/off button and etc.

More than 100 Textures

·        Unique/Tile/Decal textures (Texture Sizes: 4096 or less)

Custom LODs up to 6 Levels

Customizable Interior Cubemaps

Vertexpaintable Wetness and Puddles

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