Breakable Glass

These assets have been designed to be broken with a different pattern and origin depending on where they have been hit.

Breakable Glass V5


Playable Demo (5.0.3)

Video Features

Video Tutorial (5.0.3)

Documentation (5.0.3)

Sequencer Video Tutorial (5.0.3)


  • Rounded glass and non-uniform scale
  • 4 component types to add to your actors to break the glass (Character, object, hitscan and force field)
  • A lot of customization in the glass, material and behavior
  • Pre-break glass settings fully customizable
  • Glass can be animated or moved and broken at the same time
  • 3 Different breakable Glass meshes and much more
  • Replicated

Breakable Glass old version (APEX Destruction)DEPRECATEDVideo

Playable Demo

How to integrate


  • Break and material changes dynamically depending on the impact position
  • Choose between 3 sizes to adapt it to your needs
  • Includes some frames
  • Particle system (CPU) when the glass breaks
  • Sound FX when the glass breaks
  • Realistic glass materials
  • Choose if it casts shadow and its intensity



Technical Details

Breakable Glass V5APEX Destruction or Chaos system plugins are no longer needed.

Important:The UE5 version only includes Breakable Glass v5. APEX-based Breakable Glass does not work properly in this version.

Raytracing and Lumen: Not supportedVirtual Shadow Maps: Not supportedNumber of materials and instances: 31

Number of material functions: 1

Number of textures: 43

Number of blueprints: 15

Number of Enums: 2

Number of Sctructs: 1

Number of static meshes: 12

Number of skeletal meshes: 6

Number of skeletons: 3

Number of physics assets: 6

Number of particle systems: 1

Number of maps: 1

Number of sounds: 5

Number of Cues: 2

Lods: No

Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows

Breakable Glass old versionUpdate Notes

Important:For the old version you need to enable Apex Destruction Plugin to use this assets.

Number of Materials and Instances: 21

Number of Textures: 24

Number of Blueprints: 8

Number of Enums: 1

Number of structs: 1

Number of Static Meshes: 12

Number of Destructible Meshes: 58

Number of Particle Systems: 1

Number of Maps: 1

Number Of sounds: 4

Number Of Cues: 1

LODs: No

Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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