2 Assets Powerful Sword Pack

[View Promotion video][View Unreal Engine shot – Katana]

[View Unreal Engine shot – Great Sword]


A game using my animation pack has been released and introduced.

The game title is : The Devil Within: Satgat

Please look forward to this game.


[Review reply] – [Video]

(A while ago, due to an error in the marketplace, there was a problem that some sellers couldn’t write comments.

So, I write my answer to the review in the report window like this.)

For this reason, I purchased a pack from another seller myself. And in the test video, it was confirmed that my pack had no problems. I try to respond faster than anyone else.

Bought another seller animation pack + imported my animation pack together into the advanced locomotion system.

Other developers are already releasing games using root motion as my pack.

There is no problem with my pack. You will know by watching the video. I think it’s wrong for you to write me a bad review just because I don’t accept your unreasonable demands.


ver 2.2 (Soon)

> UE5 Mannequin full animation retargeting file included.

ver 2.1 (2024.03.10)

> +50 Add animations(Root/Inplace)

– GreatSword Wait A/B To Walk 8-Ways.

– GreatSword Equip / Unequip. ( Fighter pack connected to idle.)

– GreatSword Double Jump ZeroHeight Z0.

Ver 2.0.1 (2023.09.28)

> UE 5.3 support

Ver 2.0 (2023.07.04)

> +15 Add Animations – Katana / GreatSword.

> Fixed folder bug

> AnimSequence Name Change : Run_Fast -> Sprint

> Anims Bug fix

Ver 1.93 (2023.06.24)

> Bug fix.

Ver 1.92 (2023.04.28)

> Fixed “_NewSkel” folder root axis bug.

Ver 1.91 (2022.12.20)

> UE 5.1 support

Ver 1.9 (2022.08.17)

> The weapon ik is perfectly attached.

> +45 add Motions.

> Bug Fix.

Ver 1.8 (2022.06.21)

> +10 Add Motions : Crouch A , B To Idle A , B

Ver 1.73 (2022.05.20)

> Bug Fix

Ver 1.72 (2022.05.10)

> Bug Fix

Ver 1.71 (2022.04.29)

> Unreal Engine 5 Support

> Added weapon modeling (Katana, GreatSword)

Ver 1.7 (2022.02.17)

> Turn in place 90º, 180º degrees Root bone is applied in the same way as character rotation.

> Bug Fix

Ver 1.6 (2022.01.17)

> 174 Add Animations

– Add Turn in place 90 degrees.

– Add Katana ‘Idle To Move’.

> Bug Fix

Ver 1.5 (2021.11.06)

> 124 Add Animations

– Add 8-Way Crouch Animations

– Jump Block(Guard)

– Idle turn

– Jog L90_vol2 / R90_vol2

– Walk L90 / R90

> Bug Fix

– GreatSword Skill_G Root fix

Ver 1.442 (2021.07.06)

– Fixed foot positions in Walk animations.

– Walk to Idle additionally produced as A and B types(Add 2 Animations)

> Before : 2 Animations   (Walk_To_Idle A / Walk_To_Idle B)

> After : 4 Animations   (Walk_A_To_Idle_A / Walk_A_To_Idle_B)

(Walk_B_To_Idle_A / Walk_B_To_Idle_B)

– Wrote the animation folder numbering in the overview map to make it easier to see.

Ver 1.441 (2021.06.21)

– Bug Fix.

Ver 1.44 (2021.05.19 / 2021.06.08) [Video Link]

– Create 132 animations for Turn in Place for each character class. (Root Motion+Inplace)

(Idle A/B ←→ Walk A/B ←→ Jog A/B ←→ Run A/B….etc…..)

– Bug Fix.

Ver 1.431 (2021.05.05) 

– Sort folders by all animation categories.

Ver 1.43 (2021.04.14)

– New added GreatSword ‘Idle to Movement Set(+ 12 Animations)’

(Walk/Jog/Run – 2 Types)

Ver 1.42 (2021.04.11) [Video Link]

– New added 7 kinds of running motion associated with Katana_Idle_ver_A. (Run_ver_A)

Change the existing ‘Run’ to ‘Run_ver_B’

– New added 4 kinds of ‘Idle to walk Type A/ B’

– Added ZeroHeight XYZ axis ‘0(zero)’

Ver 1.41 (2021.03.31)

– Corrected all X-axis problems.

– ZeroHeight & Inplace to move the Z axis.


This package provides character animation for RPG / Roguelike production.

Great Sword, Katana Animation consists of about 933 kinds of key animations.

Contact : [email protected]

[View detailed animation states]

The all animation contains.(Katana + GreatSword)

  • Total : 998
  • Intro : 2
  • Movement : 228
  • Movement RootMotion : 137
  • Turn in place RootMotion : 124
  • Turn in place Inplace : 124
  • Crouch RootMotion : 46
  • Crouch Inplace : 46
  • Skills : 28
  • Equip/UnEquip : 2
  • Attack : 47
  • Attack Inplace : 35
  • Jump Attack : 10
  • Jump Block(Guard) RootMotion/Inplace : 2
  • Count Attack(Revenge_Guard) : 12
  • Damage : 45
  • KnockDown : 36
  • Dodge : 10
  • ZeroHeight : 40
  • Injured : 7
  • Injured RootMotion : 7
  • Attach Motion(In the Air_Combo) : 6

Technical Details

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  • This one pack has all the character animations you need for the game. (8Way / RootMotion / Lots of Attacks and Skills / Air Attacks / Damages / Lots of Others.)
  •  Motion with Jump / Double Jump / JumpAttack motion added Root up and down motion + Zeroheight.
  •  No need to re-target animations if using the default Unreal Mannequin.
  •  Movement(Walk/Run/Jogging) provides both root motion and in-place.

Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)

If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)

Number of Animations: 933 Motions

Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): Root Motion + In-place

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Yes)

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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