This is a dynamic Archer combo animation set. There are 5 Combo Sets and 3 Skills. It is made up of very aggressive motions. Dummy FX for launching position is included. It is not genuine FX. If necessary, it can hide mesh.
Retargeting to UE5 Mannequin (Video)
*** caution***Please consider this part before purchasing.
- There is no rotation animation in place
- No Start or End animations from/to idle
- There are no breaks in idle, two is a standard
- No Look around aimoffsets
- Root motion is not included in movement motion. Except for a few assets.
- I am blocked from posting on the forum and asset QnA, so please send inquiries to my e-mail.
- If you want to modify or add motion There is an extra charge of about $150 per motion.
- Most RootMotion problems are related to development systems, so if it doesn’t suit you, I recommend not buying it.
Promotion VideoIf you purchase the Frank Pack or Slash Pack, you can keep more assets at a lower price.
<Update Soon>
1.3 = 8way run, Root animation of Air motion added.
Technical Details
- There are 5 combo sets and 3 skills for bow Animation. It can be connected with 2 Handed motion and dual motion idle.
- How to fix Root Motion
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Characters: 2
Number of Animations: 67 RM + 59 IP
Important/Additional Notes: FX Mesh for FX position reference has been added. Please note that it is not a real FX.
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