Competitive Recoil


Overview video:

Playable demo:



Competitive Recoil gives you the power to create entirely dynamic yet reproducible recoil patterns like those found in many modern competitive first-person shooters.


Utilizing easy to edit animation curves to control weapon spray and make sure each shot is placed exactly where it’s meant to go, the system also lets you to change the amount of kickback, rate of fire, number of projectiles per shot, bullet spread, accuracy deviation while moving, and more. All of these settings are stored within Data Assets that make it easy to tweak the system to suit your project and create a range of balanced weapons.


The project also contains a pixel-perfect crosshair that will automatically respond to your character’s actions. This Widget is highly configurable, with size, shape, color, outline width, and fire/movement error values all modifiable to suit your playstyle.



Update history:

  • 2.0 (2023-10-26) All logic moved into its own Actor Component for easier implementation. Improved damage spread calculation. More recoil control options and reloading functionality added.
  • 1.1 (2022-11-17) Updated for 5.1. Added a maximum range setting & more options for the center dot.
  • 1.0 (2022-07-31) Initial 5.0 release


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