Gameready Flyable FPV Drone/Quadrocopter

Fly a FPV-Drone inside Unreal Engine and use it like a Vehicle or Character Pawn. This Product contains a FPV Drone as Pawn with its configured Gamemode and HUD Elements. You can use this Drone to create your own FPV Simulator or use it for cinematic Shots. Everything is programmed using Blueprints and its commented.

Also its contains a IMU Component, which calculates the Rotationrates and Acceleration Values but are not currently used for the Flightcontroller.

You can find the a short Showcase of the Asset here:

Technical Details

Link to Documentation

FeaturesAn FPV_Pawn (used as a Parent Class)

  • This has all the functionality
  • Add Thrust
  • Rotate the Drone
  • Reseting the Drone Location
  • Moving and adjusting the FOV of the camera

A Child FPV Drone (Inherent from FPV_Pawn)

  • it inherent the functionality of the drone and change the skeletal Mesh

A Gamemode with

  • Child FPV_Pawn
  • The Controller of the FPV Drone
  • The Hud
  • The Hud adds Elements for the current velocity User Input, current Rotationrates and velocities in given directions.

Starter MapA basic map with some obstacles for a FPV racing game.

Number of Blueprints:4

Input:The main Input works only with the gamepad.


Left Thumbstick Y-Axis: Throttle

Left Thumbstick X-Axis: Yaw

Right Thumbstick Y-Axis: Pitch

Right Thumbstick X-Axis: Roll

D-Pad Up: Tilt Camera Up

D-Pad Down: Tilt Camera Down

D-Pad Right: Zoom in with the Camera

D-Pad Left: Zoom Out with the Camera


R: Reset the Location of the drone

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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