Platformer Development Kit All in One

This is a merged pack of all the three Platformer Development Kits I’ve released. For a more detailed information of these Kits you can check them individually on the UE4 Marketplace and Youtube:

Platformer Development Kit Vol. 1 –> MarketplaceYouTube Video

Platformer Development Kit Vol. 2 –> Marketplace YouTube Video

Platformer Development Kit Vol. 3 –> MarketplaceYouTube Video

This is the ultimate pack of blueprints, low poly models, animated characters, materials, animated props that you can use to create game ready levels within a matter of hours right out of the box.

Technical Details


  • Fully animated player character (a rabbit) with Character Blueprint and Animation Blueprint
  • Fully animated enemy character (two types) with Character Blueprint, Animation Blueprint and AI
  • Swimming mechanic (swimming, diving – along with all required animations, water Blueprint, water shader and underwater effects
  • Fish AI
  • Main menu, Save/Load functionality and Overworld Map (see video)
  • Many low poly meshes to provide you with resources to work with
  • Blueprints with almost no setup, just drag and drop into your level and the will function on their own

Number of Blueprints: 82

Number of Animations: 61 (Characters and other interactables)

Number of Static Meshes: 94 (No LOD) (bridges, fences, lantern, trees, islands, mushrooms, platforms, small props, palms, bushes, corals, waterfall, cliffs)

Number of Skeletal Meshes: 21 (2 character meshes and 19 animated props and items)

Number of Materials: 41

Number of Material Instances: 103

Number of Textures: 53

Note: This pack contains everything the other previous Platformer Development Kits have to offer, so if you already own them you don’t need this pack.

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