Railway System with IC Train

▶️ Presentation and Railway building video

🎮 Railway System Demo Game

📝 Railway System Documentation

🚝 Intercity Train on Sketchfab


Intercity Train is a part of this product


This pack contains everything you need to quickly set up working realistic railroad in your level.

Fully functioning railway can be created in 5 minutes.

System’s usage varies widely:

  • It can be simple railway line with trains for background of your game. No interior, optimized collision. Minimum performance impact.
  • It can be complex railway with lots of Trains which stop at Platforms where player can enter Train and ride it.
  • It can be player controlled drivable train.

Works perfectly with both static and dynamic lighting.

All meshes geometry, collisions, LODs, blueprints are optimized for minimum performance impact.

All blueprints are commented.


Blueprints included:



Customizable Intercity Train. Can be static or move along track with specified speed. Can stop at Platforms, end of Tracks.

Character can ride Train. Detailed interior with baked interior lighting. Opening doors. Optimized Passengers and Driver meshes.

Customizable livery, 5 colors, sounds.


BP_Train_Controller connects to one of BP_Trains in level and allows you to drive Train. Set Train speed, select exterior or interior camera, use horn.



Allows fast creation of customizable Railroad Track based on user configurable Spline.

Sleepers can be wooden or concrete. Track can be dirty or clean. Gravel tint can be changed.  Single or Double Track.

Deform Landscape button conforms Landscape to track spline.



Platform can be created along Track only. Trains can stop here.

Customizable additional meshes, colors, length.



Tunnel with any Length will be constructed along Track. Has emissive lighting. Entrances can be blocked from Player.



Automatically snaps to Track and detects Train movement. Customizable open/close timing. Can work in manual mode (open/close by commands from other blueprints).

Sound, flashing lights, moving Gate.



Create various bridges with unlimited length. BP_Bridge can be used standalone in any project without Railway.

Customizable dimensions, materials, supports. Can be used anywhere.



BP_Switch changes track of any Train touching BP_Switch. Track is changed immediately. Train teleports to nearest point of selected Track.



Each time Train overlaps blueprint, Train will use horn


Update 10/2021: ability to change Tracks in-game; BP_Switch; added Event Dispatchers

Update 11/2021: BP_Track can now Deform Landscape to track spline

Update 04/2022: crossing gate fix for UE5

Update 04/2023: better looking Gravel material (now compatible with UE5)

Update 06/2023: drivable train added

Update 09/2023: DemoMap lighting fix in UE5.2; bugfixes

Update 11/2023: better multiplayer support and replication for Drivable Train; bugfixes

Update 03/2024: Sequencer support

Update 06/2024: minor performance improvement, added Train Horn and BP_Whistle_Post, seamless Train reversing, camera adjustment for BP_Train_Controller

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