Random Screen Shatter




Update 08/15/2023 : Added mobile support + Optimisation on screen shader

Introducing the ultimate screen shatter pack, designed to revolutionize your combat transitions! With this comprehensive pack at your fingertips, you can unleash the power to shatter your in-game screen in a mesmerizingly random fashion. Prepare to be blown away as your visuals fracture and splinter before your eyes, immersing your players in a thrilling and dynamic gaming experience.

The pack boasts an impressive array of customizable parameters, granting you unparalleled control over the shatter effect. Fine-tune the intensity, velocity, and more to match your artistic vision or gameplay requirements. Every detail has been meticulously crafted to deliver a visually stunning experience.

But that’s not all. By integrating this pack into your game, you elevate the visual fidelity to new heights, captivating players with breathtaking effects that amplify the intensity of gameplay. Watch as shards of screen fly and dance across the screen.

Unleash your creativity and take advantage of the endless possibilities offered by the screen shatter pack. Battle Transition, Death Effect, End of a Level, etc, many possibilities are offered to you.

Easy to use. Add Screen Shatter Component to your actor, call a fonction and that’s it !

Technical Details


2 Blueprints + 1 (Third Person Character used on Demo Map) + 1 Actor Component (used to manage the effect)

1 Enum

2 demo audio wav files + 2 cue (editable easily in actor component defaults)

1 Niagara System of 4 emitters (used for screen cracks)

3 Materials (used for Shatterable Screen, Background of the effect and for Niagara Emitters)

5 Material Instances (used for Shatterable Screen, 2 variants for Background of the effect and 2 variants for Niagara Emitters)

1 Static Mesh (a simple cube)

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows 32 & 64, Android. Mac and IOS not tested because I don’t have one but should works.

Documentation: Inside demo map, you got a “?” Documentation actor with a Google Drive link OR you can find a PDF at (Game/ScreenShatter) path

Important/Additional Notes:

Takes a little bit time to generate but you can activate the generation and then launch the effect later.

Ensure to enable Vulkan Support in Project Settings for mobile, since Scene Capture needs it.

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