Simple Replicated Gore System

SimpleReplicatedGoreSystem – Multiplayer-Ready Gore for your game in less than a minuteEvery game could benefit from gore! Well, maybe not every game. But maybe yours?

Demo Links & Documentation:

Demo Video: YouTube

Download the demo here (for Windows, using Epic Games’ Free InfinityBlade Characters): Google Drive

Documentation: Google Docs

How does it work?

You only need to call two functions from your attack/damage logic and you are ready to remove limbs from a character! The system should work with any humanoid skeletal mesh.

I recommend replacing the placeholder limb-meshes with limb-meshes generated from your characters’ mesh for a better result, this should take less than ten minutes.

Technical Details


  • Features basic, easy to implement dismemberment of limbs
  • 100 % Blueprints
  • Fully Replicated (works with all server-setups)
  • Spawns Blood Particles, Blood Decals and Limbs
  • Easy to implement into your project
  • Easy to modify
  • Works with any humanoid character/skeleton (might need to adjust a few bone names if they vary in your skeleton)
  • Features Example Logic + Demo Level

Number of Blueprints: 1 Component, 1 Actor, + Demo Blueprints and Placeholder Meshes

Input: Gamepad, Keyboard & Mouse

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Platforms: should work on all, but only tested on Windows


Documentation: Everything is provided in the Blueprints.

Important/Additional Notes: Your skeleton should look similar to the Default Unreal-Engine Mannequin for good results. If your skeleton’s naming structure is different from the Unreal Mannequin naming scheme, you might need to adjust some names in the Component. You might need to adjust the material-color of the placeholder meshes to better fit your character mesh. The demo characters inside of the project are from Epic Games’ Infinity Blade.

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