Simple Replicated Ragdoll System


sRRS – simple Replicated Ragdoll SystemEvery Multiplayer Game could benefit from replicated ragdolls!


Demo Video: YouTube Link

Download the demo here: Google Drive Link

When will this be useful?

  • Something explodes near the player
  • The character trips or falls
  • Character gets knocked out / Hit by object or weapon
  • Character dies, but gets revived

No matter the situation, sRRS will make sure that the Actors’ location stays roughly¹ replicated on all clients during ragdoll simulation.

¹ should stay within 1 meter of the server position

How does it work?

sRRS handles the ragdoll calculation on the server and returns the updated ragdoll position to each client when possible. The client will then interpolate the local mesh position to that location as smoothly as possible while locally simulating the ragdoll effect. While this does result in the ragdoll not being 100% similar on all clients, this greatly improves network performance while keeping the location roughly replicated on all clients.

Why sRRS?

  • 100 % Blueprints
  • Easy to implement into your project
  • Works with all server-setups
  • Easy to modify
  • Features Recovery-Logic
  • Works with any character/skeleton
  • Features Example Logic (Only 4.24 or later)
  • Debugging / Testing built in

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