Universal Flight System (Female)


  • Animations and wings from Paragon

ShowcaseALS & Paragon Youtube Video

Advanced Locomotion Component (ALC) Youtube Video

Easy Survival RPG (ESRPG) Youtube Video

Playable Demo: GoogleDrive

Easy to integrateJust add `CT_Cmpt_Flight` component to your character blueprint and add `Linked Anim Graph` to Animation Blueprint. Your character will gain the ability to fly! You can also use weapons while flying

TutorialsNote: The file directory has changed

CT_Components/FlightSystem/Animations => CT_Components/FlightSystem/Demo/Animations

CT_Components/FlightSystem/Meshs=> CT_Components/FlightSystem/Demo/Meshs

CT_Components/FlightSystem/Example => CT_Components/FlightSystem/Demo

Compatible Skeleton: Youtube

Retarget Animation: Youtube

Integration ALS : Youtube (Check the video description)

Paragon-Aurora(Sword): Youtube

Paragon-Sparrow(Bow): Youtube

AI Behavior Tree: Youtube

Multiplayer: Youtube

Change Wing Color: Youtube


Technical Details

This asset contains content provided by Epic (per Epic policy, it can only be used in Unreal Engine)

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  Using UE5 Animation Templates
  •  Easy to integrate
  •  Smooth movement
  • Support any other wings

Number of Blueprints: 1 Component, 1 AnimGraph, 4 Enumeration, 3 Structure

Number of Animations: 25 (In-Place) & Wings 6 (In-Place)

Number of meshes: 1 (Wings)

Number of textures: 15 (Wings)

Number of Materials: 2 (Wings)

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: (Yes)

Supported Development Platforms: Only tested in Windows

Documentation: Link

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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