VR Radial HUD

The pack provides a complex circular 3D HUD. You can add multiple windows runtime. Rotate and move them one-by-one and together. A settings and a simple test menu is provided. Interactions can be done through touch and trace as well. The HUD can be turned on and off in a hand menu, where you can also set the interaction.

Controls (Oculus):

  • B: Toggle hand menu
  • Grip: Move widgets
  • Trigger: Trace based interaction “click”.

Showcase Video: https://youtu.be/eTH_SBKiw2g

Showcase Project: https://gabeee.itch.io/vr-circular-hud-showcase

Technical Details


  •  Radial HUD
  •  Hand menu
  •  Switchable interaction

Number of Blueprints:

  • 4 main blueprints
  • 3 interfaces
  • 1 small function library
  • 5 widgets

Input: VR (Tested with Oculus)

Network Replicated: No

Due to some of the logic being in the motion controller & pawn, it might be hard to integrate with other projects.

Please feel free to ask any questions on my support discord: https://discord.gg/FhA7BBu

Support forum: https://forums.unrealengine.com/unreal-engine/marketplace/1573743-gabeee-s-assets

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