Update : June 24, 2023
- UE4 Mannequin Rigging: You can now share animations with UE4 Mannequin without retargeting. (The previous neck02 bone has been removed, while facial and breast bones remain intact.)
- The mesh of the eyes has been changed. (The excessive light reflection issue has been fixed in version 5.2.)
- To facilitate the use of LiveLinkFace app, 52 morph targets are now supported, and the previous morph targets have been removed
- The mouth shape in the binding pose has been changed to a closed mouth expression.
- The clothing options have been modified. (It runs without lag in all versions.)
This asset consists of One female character and other additional objects.
Video : Retargeting UE5 animations
The face, hair, arms, clothing, weapons and shoes are each made up of separate skeletal Meshes.
Hair, body, weapons can be freely replaced or added.
The color, roughness, and metallic of each part can be customized through material instances.
Each part is skinned, rigged, and shares the “Haena_v02” skeleton.
This asset has basic animations and several attacks and moving animations.
Technical Details
- Additional Objects: Clothing, Weapons
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes (Add facial and breast bones)
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations: 30 and some expressions, lip-sync
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place):In-Place
Number of characters: 1
Vertex counts of characters : One Character 40-50K
Texture Resolutions: 1,024-4,096 BaseColor, Roughness, Metallic, AO, Normal, Mask
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Documentation: No
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