Camera 360 V2

  1. Camera360v2 – camera system for video and screenshot (cubemap 4×3, facebook 3×2, pano2VR 3×2, EAC, GearVR 6×1, 360, Fulldome, Cilindrical, Stereo, Face)

This is a complete set of all available solutions for rendering various directions. This product contains additional solutions that can be useful in everyday work.

Note: Since it uses a 6-task rendering approach, as well as cutting out segments for stereo rendering, you can perform rendering even on a laptop. But it is worth considering the complexity of the project and heavy projects can cause a lack of memory. 

This also works for path tracing, but rendering this technology takes a lot of time, and you’ll still need a more powerful computer.

Official Channel in telegramm:

Help Forum Camera360v2: forum

GUYS if any questions, please tell me in telegram channel I try to respond faster than by mail, but if you have links to projects, write to the telegram channel’s personal account.

If the solutions help you, please leave your feedback stars for this plugin, it will greatly help me 🙂

Help Widget Camera360v2: forum

Trailer: Video

Video result: Electric Dreams Env, Archviz (FullDome), Ancient World (360), Slay Animation (360)

Video Stereo Lumen: Electric Dream Stereo, 360 Stereo Forest, Archviz Stereo Lumen

Video Tutorials Camera360v2: Tutorials playlist

SHOWCASE Camera360v2: Forum link

Video Tutorials Canera360v1: Link

Help Forum Camera360v1: forum

Documentation: Link

Included Camera 360v1 and Camera 360v2.


  1. included Camera 360 v1 (more information). NEWS 11.04.2023. I took the 360 v1 camera off sale. Technical support for the first version remains unchanged. I will also keep Camera 360 v1 up to date when updating the engine. But there is no way to purchase Camera360v1 anymore.
  2. Camera 360v2.
  • Raytracing, PathTracing, Lumen working
  • Cubemap 4×3, 3×2 (FaceBook, pano2VR, EAC) GearVR 6×1, Mono 2d, Cilindrical, 360, FullDome, Stereo, Face;
  • Spherical mirror;
  • Stereo 360,VR180 and FullDome PathTracing.
  • Stereo (360, Cilindrical, VR180, FullDome) for Lumen: information
  • Sequencer, Movie Render;
  • Not using Render Targets or Scene Capture 2D.
  • Converter to Image or Video;
  • Custom Projection.
  • Support in 6 task solution: Render Pass, Stencil Layer, Alpha channel.
  • DLSS, Bloom, AA, Pathtracing, Stereo.

Support: Forum or mail

Fast Support: You can ask any questions related to the product personally:

Technical Details

Code Modules: (Runtime, Editor)

  •  Camera360v2

Number of Blueprints: 9 (Camera 360 v1), 8 (Camera 360 v2)

Number of C++ Classes: 1

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: (Mac, Windows, Linux)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Mac,Windows,Android)

Documentation: Link

Important/Additional Notes (more information):


  1. Initially, the shaders of the entire project are recompiled, or partially recompiled.
  2. With each change of projection, shaders are compiled.The projection for the entire engine also changes.To return to the standard path tracing mode, you need to apply a 2D projection.
  3. Path Tracing engine failures are possible, since rendering is very demanding on the computer;
  4. Cryptomatte (please using Stencil Layer and Custom Render Pass).
  5. MovieRender – High Resolution shot for Pathtracing not support;

Please read the information before buying Doc and forum information.

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