FPS Shooter Recoil Animation


ShowcaseTry Playable Demo


Latest Version: 2023.2.0 as of October 2nd, 2023

🎮 What makes the FPS great? Gunplay!

Want to make your FPS game stand out? Then you need a solid and fun gunplay system – PRAS is your perfect choice. Forged by years of experience in the industry, PRAS finally solves the problem of repetitive, stiff, and unrealistic weapon recoil.

Enhance your First-Person Shooter with the most advanced shooting plugin out there. Ready? Try the new approach and see the difference!

🌟 Here’s what PRAS brings to your game:

✔️ Procedural Recoil Magic: forget about firing animations, this solution will save you a lot of time and memory budget.

✔️ Customization: over 20 settings to fine-tune your recoil.

✔️ Effortless Efficiency: Share recoil across different guns and save time. It’s smart working, made easy.

✔️ Customize on the fly: Have attachments in your game? Great, PRAS will adjust the recoil based on the equipped attachments.

✔️ Jump Right In: PRAS is ready to go from the get-go, complete with a demo project showing off weapons and animation blueprints.

✔️ Support: You will get full support for the integration process, not just tutorials and documentation.


It’s time for your ultimate upgrade – with PRAS, the next level is just a click away.


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