Water Physics

This Water Physics plugin allows you to add water physics simulations to any physics body with minimal setup. This plugin specializes in water physics for boats and other watercrafts but can also be used for general purpose buoyancy simulations.

[Preview Video]

List of features

  • Fully integrated with UE4 water
  • Automatically sources the collision from your actor, minimal setup required
  • Dynamically modify buoyancy settings
  • Custom UI for per-component water simulation settings
  • Written in C++ for optimal performance
  • Fully parallelized for even better performance (both using UE4, Oceanology, and Riverology)
[Update 1.3.12]

[Update 1.3.0]

  • Added support for the popular ocean plugin Oceanology!

[Update 1.2.0]

[Update 1.1.0]

  • New Water Physics Collision Component
  • Introduced plugin trial version
  • General bug fixes

Technical Details

Network Replicated: Works with Unreal’s built-in physics replication. Replication of water surface will have to be done by the user.

Tested Platforms: Windows (But should work for any platform)

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, MacOS, and Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Any Platform (If you are interested in building for a platform not listed with official support please contact me)



Written Tutorial

Video Tutorial

Example Project

Trial Version Restrictions include: Pop-up warning when launching the editor. Unable to use in non-editor builds. Source not included.

If you encounter bugs/issues on any platform, feel free to contact me.

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