Dungeon Catacomb Modular

———————————————— GENERAL INFORMATION —————————————————-



  • This pack was on Staff-pick Showcase section from Oct. 17 to Oct. 31 (2023).

——————————————————– UPDATE ————————————————————

  • V.1.1 : Update Lumen demo map.
  • V.1.2 (Apr 8): Optimizing the Lumen demo map more:
  1. Changing the candle light into a simple, lighter version (camera facing plane instead of vfx, the vfx option is still available in the pack but not in the demo level).
  2. Fully re-lighting the scene, optimizing the number of lights.
  3. Change Post process volume, Fog actor so that the scene looks the same after optimizing.

———–> Please back up your project before doing any big changes or merging projects. <————

————————————————— ⚔️ FEATURES ⚔️ ——————————————————–

  • Big demo map included. Everything you see in the images above are included.
  • Original design by concept artists at Naked Singularity Studio (noAI).
  • Ladder climbing system included.
  • Including basic interactions (open door, open gate, pull lever, attack, defend, pick weapons, drop weapons).
  • Animations included. Souls-like gate opening animation included. Work well with Epic’s skeleton (mannequin).
  • Assets are optimized for performance.
  • Including some blueprints to help assemble scene quicker.
  •  Can add snow on top of all asset quickly.
  • Can enable vertex painting (R,G,B).
  • Have lots of props.
  • Can add/change coat of arms in all asset easily.
  • Support UE4.26, UE4.27 and all newer versions.
  • Active customer support!

——————————————————— NOTE —————————————————————

  • Turning off Auto Exposure in the project setting for the best experience.
  • There are 2 demo map, one uses Lumen and the other uses Baked lighting. Turn off Generate Mesh Distance Field in the project setting if you open the Baked lighting demo map. Lumen demo map will work out of the box!
  • If you experience shadow flickering when using Virtual Shadow map, please head to E.5 section in our documentation for quick fix.
  • If you can’t move while press Play button. Please see the 6th part of E.FAQ section in the Documentation
  • Audios and characters in the playable demo are not included in this pack.
  • This pack contains a Dragon statue from our Dark Fantasy Gothic Statue pack.
  • Please create a new trace channel called “LadderTrace” (default response set to ‘Ignore’) in order to make the Ladder BP to work (check the A.4 section of the Documentation)

Gothic dark fantasy dungeon – Catacomb of the Dragon

Technical Details

———————————————- TECHNICAL INFORMATION —————————————————-

Number of Meshes: 257 (249 static meshes + 8 skeletal meshes)

Collision: Yes (custom and automatically generated)

Triangle Count: 8 – 66,836

LODs: Yes (mostly 4LODs – except for some simple meshes)

Number of Master materials: 16

Number of Material Instances: 195

Number of Textures: 431

Texture Resolutions: 256×256(9) ; 512×512(41) ; 1024×1024[55] ; 2048×2048[140] ; 4096×4096[185] : 8192×4096[1]

Supported Development Platforms: Window (x64)

————————————————— DOCUMENTATION ——————————————————–

——————————————————- SUPPORT ————————————————————-

Email: nakedsingularity.studio@gmail.com

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



You can contact us at any time and request that the asset you want be added to the site from the Request Asset section.

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