Industrial Mining Equipment


A set of assets for creating an industrial mining environment. It contains walls, floors, crates, security railings as well as a three-legged drill, computer terminal, crane, mine shaft, ore crusher, and a minecart with rails.


Youtube-Video (Update v1.1):



  • Crane (2 Meshes [Static & Skeletal], 8 Materials+Instances, includes 1 Animation Blueprint)
  • Drill (2 Meshes [Static & Skeletal], 12 Materials+Instances, includes 1 Animation Blueprint)
  • Wall Pieces (4 Meshes, 8 Materials+Instances)
  • Ore Crusher (1 Mesh, 2 Materials+Instances)
  • Metal Chest (2 Meshes [Static & Skeletal], 10 Materials+Instances)
  • Light + Lamps (3 Meshes, 8 Materials + Instances, includes 1 simple Blueprint)
  • Cables (2 Meshes, 4 Materials + Instances)
  • Terminal (1 Mesh, 15 Materials + Instances)
  • Tipper (1 Mesh, 6 Materials + Instances)
  • Rails (4 Meshes, 2 Materials + Instances)
  • Ground (6 Meshes, 12 Materials + Instances)
  • Railings (9 Meshes, 2 Materials + Instances)
  • Rock duct (1 Mesh, 2 Materials + Instances)
  • Double T Beam (1 Mesh, 2 Materials + Instances)
  • Holo Sign (1 Mesh, 2 Materials + Instances)


Number of Meshes: 40 (37x Static + 3x Skeletal)

Simple Collision: Yes (custom)

Complex Collision: No (automatically generated)

Triangles: 2 – 53340

LODs: Yes (Drill, Crane); No (all the others)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 94

Number of Textures: 146

Texture Resolutions: 512×512 (6), 1024×1024 (25), 2048×2048 (84), 4096×4096 (29), 8096×8096 (2)

Number of Animations: Drill(13), Crane (8), Metal Chest (4)

Number of Sounds (*.wav): 19

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Linux: Yes

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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