Roads Pack


📚Development Roadmap | Documentation | Doc Marking Line | Technical INFO

🎬Video With Voice Comment > Creating basic splines shapes.

🎬Playlist Tutorial > See how to use splines and how the product works.

🎬Playlist Tutorial Level Design > How creating maps & levels, using this pack.

Update History

Version v1.0: 🎬Review Content v1.0 (Ask questions about the product under the video)

Update v2.0: 📚Description |🎬Review |🎬Review Content v2.0

Update v3.0: 📚Description (Development roadmap) |🎬Review

Update v4.0: 📚See slides starting 350 |🎬Review

🎮 Play Demo (Roads Pack > World City Map. Buildings not included in the pack, changes to the map will be added in the next update when the level is completely ready)

🛒Look my other products: My Seller Page

🛒Additional products for the pack: Buildings City Pack 1 | City Areas US 1 | Railroad Spline | FOG | Ground Materials Kit | Field Materials Kit |

Landscape Brushes Kit | Cinematic LUTs Kit 2 | Lens Dirt Mask Effects

🛒Product where these roads are used: Battlefield Syria

  • Splines designed for use with the Landscape Spline Tool.
  • A large selection of basic road signs.
  • High quality roads & sign textures.
  • Materials adapted for roads, with settings for creating puddle & wetness on roads.


Splines Descriptions


Here you will find splines designed for use with the Landscape Spline Tool. Presented types of roads, expressway, highway, freeway. They differ in size, markings and number of traffic lanes.

Spline meshes has road markings line. A unique slot with material is assigned to lines, this makes it possible to combine markings. All marked roads have special created levels of detail. A complex collision mesh was created for roads with curved tops. For each road spline mesh there is a curved and flat top option (this is an option, not a unique mesh, for different use cases) For highway and freeway roads, meshes with different meshes are provided so you can choose between curve smoothness or optimization (this is an option, not unique mesh, for different use cases)

Expressway type roads differ edge shape & mesh level details, have additional complex collision mesh, custom made LODs. In additionally this type roads have plane mesh on edge road for soft blend with landscape by decal blend mask.



There are road concrete & metal guard barriers. All fencing splines have a duplicate mesh option reflected along the axes (XY), this is a special option for use with the landscape spline tool. The pack contains 2 types of concrete fencing for bridges, and 3 types of universal ones. 4 types of metal barriers, 3 variations difference only in the supports. All this models have high detail, LODs, auto generated collision.



Create a road bridge using the spline of the bridge bottom, columns and supports.

There are 3 options for the spline of the lower part of the bridge, options with different mesh details have been added to create smooth curves. Included auto LODs & collision. Columns and supports have variations shape combinations options. Supports and columns are mirrored along axes (XY) for use with a spline.


Sign Descriptions

A large selection of basic road signs is presented. Created blueprint-prefabs. All signs are divided into parts, which allows you to create your own combinations. Basic types of poles and standardized forms for signs.

Parts have a zero-placed pivot center for auto-assembling combinations on stage. Used texture atlas for the symbols of the guide signs (letters, numbers, icons). Using plane mesh, you can create your own names and combinations for the guide signs. High detail and quality textures, created by auto LODs.


Materials & Textures Descriptions

In pack high quality detailed textures. Master materials & instances adapted for roads with many settings for creating unique subvariants of road instance materials. You will find textures of asphalt, concrete roads, old roads, gravel-sand-dirt-roads, desert roads. A large number of masks (puddles, road patches, road edges, wetness, cracks, tire tracks, etc.) for use with instance materials. Detailed settings for puddles and getting wet in the material instance settings. Large selection of road markings (lines, arrows), patches, cracks. Unified tile textures and created variants of surface materials (metal, concrete, plastic, wood) Landscape textures and landscape material with 10 layers, brushes for painting and sculpting.

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