M5 VFX Vol1. Smoke and Big Explosion(Niagara)

ver 1.5 Added user parameter to Niagara explosion to adjust overall size.

: https://youtu.be/ooFB_QhN6KI

(check Niagara_Exp_Map.umap, Niagara_Bonus_Map.umap)


Updated to Niagara system (UE5).

Explosion Niagara update : https://youtu.be/d9I3MH7j7Ac

The explosion effect is improved after converting from cascade to niagara.

(check Niagara_Exp_Map.umap)

Bonus Map update: https://youtu.be/7NWZO58RAko

(check Niagara_Bonus_Map.umap)


Trailers(1080p) : https://vimeo.com/240162765

Test play: https://vimeo.com/233327110

Trailer & Guide tutorial : Vimeo / Youtube

# If the frame doesn’t look good when run in the editor viewport, run with Simulate (Alt-S) #

M5 VFX Vol.1 contains real smoke effects and big explosion effects.

It will be useful for high-quality games and explosion scenes.

Through the dynamic parameters of material and particle, you can control many aspects such as color and brightness, flame effect.

Uses a high-resolution loop sequence texture (up to 4096×4096).

This pack contains references that classify explosive elements such as smoke, sparks, smoke tail, and debris.

You can see how to control particles according to the type of explosion.

Blog http://fxrnd.tistory.com


ver 1.45

add Niagara explosion.

Bonus Effect Convert to Niagara.

Technical Details

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  • 71 Niagara system
  • 6 Material preview Particles
  • 48 Reference particles
  • 14 Big Explosion Particles 14
  • 2 Bonus Particles (tornado,desert storm)

Type of Emitters: (CPU, GPU, and/or mesh emitters?)

Number of Effects: 73( +61 Normal(1/2)Size) + 71(Niagara)

Number of Textures: 58 (+ 1 vector field)

Number of Materials: 19 (+ instant material 74)

Number of Blueprints: 2 (for UI)

Number of Meshes: 2

Supported Development Platforms: PC

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC

Documentation: http://fxrnd.tistory.com/75

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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