Magical Footstep FX

Video Link

22 Magical footprints FX, all particle system are made in Niagara.

6 Glyphs | 6 Human | 10 Animal

Pack includes 27 optional Glyph Materials to switch out if necessary

Overview map has the “ThirdPersonCharacter” with animation and controls setup as an example.

Check out my other asset packs here!

Technical Details


  •  22 Niagara Systems
  •  4 Niagara Emitters
  •  Interactive Overview Map

Type of Emitters: Mostly CPU with 1 GPU emitter (But that can be changed to CPU if needed)

Number of Unique Effects: 22

LODs: No

Number of Materials: 6 and 55 instances

Number of Textures: 61

Number of Unique Meshes: 2 (Multiple Duplicates of the Glyph mesh)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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