ProjectileVFX with Hit and Launch VFX ( with SFX )


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Well organized assets, high visual quality with efficiency and good optimization!!

Override parameters for Scalable Size, Custom Color, Height etc. Easy to use!! Don’t need to understand Niagara System!


25 types of Unique VFX ,12 types Projectile VFX pair with 12 types of Hit VFX + 1 alternative Hit VFX.

Each Projectile VFX has itself-own launch VFX triggered at beginning.


These Projectile VFX are triggered by BluePrint (Via ProjectileMovemet).You can Use BluePrint from this pack directly in your project!! and …They also can be triggered by sequencer,just use Niagara system assets itself (which can be find in blue print )


See if you can find out some keywords from the name of VFX below .Maybe There are some suit Your Project. Name List :



Please Enable Niagara, Niagara Chaos and NiagaraFluids plugin First !! then install the package.Thx

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