Asphalt and Concrete Roads

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This set of materials and textures is built with a wide variety of platforms in mind. They can be used with or without tessellation, the height map, AO, etc. The master materials and instances are all made so you can easily adjust them, as needed.

All materials have a color/roughness, ambient occlusion, height, normal map, and wet map textures.

The textures can be adjusted between 32 and 4096 max resolutions (currently set to 2048 for ease of use and mobile requirements), and the material instances have parameters for all textures, road line color, wetness, color hue, roughness, normal strength, height distance, and tessellation amount.

There is an asphalt and concrete version for each clean, worn, damaged and divoted road type, as well as single and double lanes for each. There are also slightly worn and damaged omni tiling materials for multiple uses.

Technical Details

Texture Resolutions: All are 4k (4096×4096)

Number of Materials: 22 (2 masters, 22 instances) plus mobile friendly versions and a vertex paint blending demo material.

Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: Yes

Number of Textures: 100

Supported Development Platforms: All

Supported Target Build Platforms: All (though tested on windows and android)

Important/Additional Notes: To use these on mobile you will need to keep the textures max size at 2048 or less and use the materials in the “Mobile” folder.

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