Ritual Decal Package / AI SOURCES

The environment is included in the package.

Ritual Decal Package / AI SOURCES / You can get a realistic floor with advanced pom material, you can also apply puddle wherever you want with vertex paint.

There are 145 high-quality interchangeable illustrations, including hand painted and vector paint.

If you contact us, we can share the source files with you, so you can easily change the designs, rearrange them or even resize them to 256×256 or 8k.

All you have to do for this is to send your invoice by e-mail.

Technical Details


  • Customizable Decal Materials
  • Master Ground Material with puddle
  •  2k Textures

Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances:166

Number of Meshes:16

Number of Textures:198

Texture Resolutions: 2048×2048

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: YES

Mac: YES

Note:The fire and smoke effect is taken from the starter pack.


1-Repaired painted vertex colors in 0.0s for 32 components in/game/RitualPack/Map/Demo. Resave map to fix.

2-Spent 0.0s repairing painted vertex colors due to static mesh re-importsé This will happen every load until the maps are resaved.

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



You can contact us at any time and request that the asset you want be added to the site from the Request Asset section.

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