This UI material is perfect for RPG/ARPG/MOBA/MMO games to display Life/Mana values. This material was inspired by Diablo game series. The material is straight forward to setup and it has a full set of parameters to customize it to your design.

The pack includes a “Demo” folder with a demo game to demonstrate how to use this material in UMG and operate with its values in real time.

Technical Details

Texture Resolutions:

  • base textures: 2048×2048
  • scaled in engine: 512×512

Number of Materials: 1 material, 9 material instances

Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: Yes

Number of Textures: 11 + 3 demo UI textures (orb frame)

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac

Supported Target Build Platforms: Desktop and Mobile

Material Stats:

Default UI Pixel Shader: 96 instructions

Default UI Vertex Shader: 17 instructions

Instanced UI Vertex Shader: 17 instructions

Texture samplers: 8/16, 8/8 (Android GLSE 2.0)

Texture Lookups (Est.): VS(0), PS(12)

User interpolators: 2/4 Scalars (1/4 Vectors) (TexCoords: 2, Custom: 0)

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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