Ancient Bronze Pack vol. 1

Short Overview

Trailer Video



Demo Map 2

Demo Map 3

Demo Map 5

Demo Map 6

(This pack contains meshes that are compatible with other projects of mine – they can share textures, for a list you can click here )

Compatibility video ( ! Those are 3 separate packs, they are combined ONLY for this video and for a showcase reason, they are NOT sold combined )


Update 3.5 what’s new :

  • Added 31 new meshes
  • 47 new textures
  • 51 more material instances
  • 2 more Demo maps
  • 15 additional mesh instances
  • The HQ texture pack is updated with the new textures
  • Added documentations for compatibility between the meshes in the pack (link) and compatibility between meshes in this pack and other packs of mine (link). Compatibility = able to share textures with each other.




Update 2.0 ,what’s new :

  • Added 27 new meshes
  • 90 new textures
  • 57 more material instances
  • 1 more Demo map
  • 32 additional mesh instances
  • The HQ texture pack is updated with the new textures
  • Some minor fixes like Light maps and better adjusted position of elements in the example material instances



Creating this pack, my goal was to be highly flexible and scalable, and to create a project I can use in the future as a stepping stone for other future asset projects and ideas I have.


Because of the customization options and the objects I have crafted, I believe this pack can fit not only in a fantasy setting but also in many other types of themed projects and environments like : sci-fi temple, city , museum, underwater treasures, ancient civilization and so on.


Though I am not a level designer ,I have provided in the project several demo maps (8) that I hope will provoke your imagination.

Also, outside of the 61 meshes, I have prepared 47 mesh instances to help you get started, as shown in the

short guide/ tips video.





  • Customization options – basic fraction , tint , control over the intensity of the texture maps, as shown in the

short guide/ tips video.

  • The project comes with the NQ textures (normal quality) as default. This is to save space and because depending on your project you might not need the HQ ,for the NQ textures do a great job on their own.
  • NQ texture pack is mostly 2k and a few 4k
  • HQ texture pack is mostly 4k and a few 8k

Downloading the HQ texture pack : the link is inside of the pack. Search for the document actor called ” HQ_Textures_Link ” in map Demo0_Intro or Demo1_Overview.

  • Images and videos are taken using the free HQ textures and were rendered in UE.
  • Project comes with some UE content for showcase reasons (thirdperson; starter content (fire); UE water )
  • Project also has a Promo folder, the meshes and textures in it are not included in the numbers above describing this pack.

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You can contact us at any time and request that the asset you want be added to the site from the Request Asset section.

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