Scanlabz Trees _ Honeylocust Tree

This Pack includes 7 highly realistic looking, photo-scanned Honeylocust Trees. Also included are 2 Species of Grass Plants and 5 Stones.

All vegetation models include a realistic Wind-effect via Pivot Painter.

Please note: You can turn off the Displacement/Tesselation Features in order to get a better FPS.

Open the “M_Honeylocust” Material and change the “M_Honeylocust” Tesselation Mode to “NoTesselation” in the Details Panel.

Please note: HDRI Texture, Buildings and Water Material used for Previews is not included in this pack.

Technical Details


  •  7 Models of Photoscanned Honeylocust Trees
  •  2 Species of Groundcover Grass Plants
  •  5 Stones and 4 Stone Piles

Number of Unique Meshes: 29

Collision: Yes-automatically generated

Vertex Count: Trees: 33,665 – 62,594 Stones Singles: 316 – 367 Grassplants Singles: 157-209

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 6 Materials; 56 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 97 Textures

Texture Resolutions: 4k – 1K Please note: Highresolution 8K Textures of the Trees and Stones are included

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: not tested

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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