SciFi Doors Pack Vol1



Update V1.2 (June/2017)

  • NEW Door 05. Vertex count 760
  • This update only work in Unreal 4.15 and above, below version don’t have this new feature.


Update V1.1 (August/2016)

  • NEW shader that allow to you create more combination of colors.
  • Fix screen texture in the Door02
  • Door 03 has a new vertex count 10379
  • Door 04 has a new vertex count 12686
  • Some textures was optimized, metallic and roughness are combined in one texture to be more effecient and new mask textures were created for each door.


This pack is ideal for SciFi scenarios and is very complete, has these features:

  1. PBR materials, include Two Material Instance (Dirty and clean).
  2. Each door has a blueprint that allow to you:
  3. Customize color of the light and some part of the doors.
  4. Use a key to open the door (instruction is included in the package).
  5. Keep open the door after the first interaction.
  6. Keep closed the door.
  7. All the texture are 4K, but it can be downgrade to 2K and the look is still nice.
  8. Some lightmaps was made by hand to optimize the resolution and get nice result.


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