———————————————–⚜️ GENERAL INFORMATION ⚜️—————————————————
PLAYABLE DEMO (try these greatswords together with character, game level and animations)
——————————————————-✨ UPDATE ✨———————————————————–
- V.1.0 : Update greatswords z rotation so they match better with hands. Add one more sword from other pack as a bonus.
- V.1.1: Fix Thorn greatsword missing triangle.
——————————————————⚔️ FEATURES ⚔️———————————————————–
- Original design by concept artists at Naked Singularity Studio (noAI).
- Skeletal mesh ready to equip.
Technical Details
———————————————🕹️ TECHNICAL INFORMATION 🕹️—————————————————
Number of Unique Meshes: 22
Collision: Yes, custom.
Vertex Count: 763 – 5,075
LODs: 3 LODs
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 27
Number of Textures: 70
Texture Resolutions: 256×256(4) ; 4096×4096(66)
————————————————–📘 DOCUMENTATION 📘——————————————————-
——————————————————💁 SUPPORT 💁————————————————————
Email: nakedsingularity.studio@gmail.com
You can contact us at any time and request that the asset you want be added to the site from the Request Asset section.