

  • Documentation/Tutorial: https://youtu.be/SHLCj1SwSSU
  • Provided Demo Levels with Explanation
    • L_EasyRain_Showcase_Demo, L_EasyRain_ExampleDemo


Easy Rain allows artists to create highly-realistic rain using a Blueprint system and harnessing Niagara particles. With it, you can create light rain, or stormy summer downpours in seconds. Easy Rain is aimed for both Games/Realtime, Offline Rendering, and runs well on lower-end GPU’s. When combined with the Movie Render Queue, Easy Rain renders beautiful, falling rain that motion-blurs in a realistic way.


Easy Rain also includes two Material Functions to easily puddles and/or leaks/droplets to your landscape or models. This World Puddle Material Function supports Nanite Tessellation/Displacement for realistic results, but is not dependent on nanite work. It also supports rippling effects, and full art direction capabilities such as controlling the amount, the falloff, and the general breakup patterns on the accumulated rain puddles themselves.

  • Disclaimer: Requires Mesh Distance Fields to be enabled in Project Settings. Solution and workaround shown in the documentation tutorial!

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