FallTower – Multiplayer Blueprint Game Template – Platformer – By Kekdot

Welcome to FallTower! 🏃‍♂️💨FallTower is a fun and exciting Multiplayer Party Game Template (100% blueprint). In this action packed party game players spawn on top of the tower and fall down on platforms that disappear once stepped on. Outlast your opponents by avoiding falling in the water and win! 🏆

Watch the promo video✅ FallTower is a beginner friendly multiplayer party game template that gets you right into action! 😀 Give your game development journey a boost by seeing how FallTower is realized.

⛰️ Build your own unique game using the FallTower gameplay template 🚀

📚 Documentation:
FallTower setup tutorial 1:

Creating Custom Levels in FallTower

FallTower setup tutorial 2:

Add your Custom Character to FallTower

This template includes:

  • Full Party Game Gameplay Template
  • Multiplayer gameplay logic
  • Complete match flow logic (Spawning, Gameplay, Scoring/Winning, Repeat)
  • Replicated gameplay actors
  • Gameplay character
  • Main menu setup
  • Multiplayer session setup (Host, find & join games)
  • 2 example levels

Advantages of FallTower:

  • Best practice multiplayer blueprint code (GameMode, GameState, PlayerController, Character, Widgets)
  • Optimized multiplayer blueprint setup
  • Well commented for easy understanding
  • Lean and structured

Product features:Gameplay:

  • Multiplayer Gameplay logic
  • Complete match flow logic (Spawning, Gameplay, Scoring/Winning, Repeat)
  • Replicated gameplay actors (Disappearing platforms, Bouncing platforms, Moving bouncing platforms, Game over collision field, Announcement screen actor)
  • Player spawning system
  • Player spectating system
  • Gameplay character
  • Names above player heads (when within certain distance of each other) (Screen space widget)
  • In game Pause Menu (Continue, Leave game, Settings, Quit game)

Main Menu:

  • Host, Find & Join sessions
  • Simple modular Main Menu setup
  • Host game widget
  • Find game widget (Server browser)
  • Join game widget
  • Simple basic settings menu included (Window mode, Resolution, Graphics quality, Audio Volume)


  • Dynamic Confirmation Pop-ups
  • Loading screens
  • Bootscreen
  • Error Handling included (Network errors, Travel errors)
  • 2 example levels included
  • Prototype materials included (Grid, Colors, Fresnel)
  • Basic audio setup implemented
  • Basic save game system
  • Handy function library

🔍 See the preview images for all included content in this product.

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Instragram: @kekdotyoutube

Twitter: @kekdot

Reddit: @kekdot

Technical Details

Network Replicated: Yes

Skeletal mesh is rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes

Input: Keyboard & Mouse

Subsystem: Default Online Subsystem (Game is compatible with any Unreal Engine Compatible Subsystem)

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Watch the promo videoDocumentation:

FallTower setup tutorial 1:

Creating Custom Levels in FallTower

FallTower setup tutorial 2:

Add your Custom Character to FallTower

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