Hyper Inventory, Crafting, Hotbar, Lootchest & Vendor System V2

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Made by 🎮 Eric from Hyper!

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Hyper Inventory Crafting Hotbar Lootchest Vendor SystemAny game needs an advanced inventory system right? It does not matter what game, this is the one for you! I have made this highly adaptable and customizable inventory system for you.

Key FeaturesThis system is very extensive, the core features are as follows:

  • Inventory system
  • Crafting System
  • Vendor System
  • Lootchest System
  • Hotbar
  • Professional UI
  • Over 250 predefined items
  • Pickup System
  • Datatable driven UI changer
  • Excel import logic

Inventory Controls:

  • Split
  • Transfer
  • Custom Amount
  • Transfer All
  • Swap Stacks
  • Combine Stacks
  • Default action
  • Drop

Inventory Options:Decay

  • Each item has the option to decay
  • Decay multiplier can be changed so we can simulate a refrigerator, freezer or hot environments
  • If an item is fully decayed, it can be destroyed, chosen to be not useable anymore, required repair or even spawn a new item (e.g. spoiled meat)

Slot system

  • You can choose to use the limit of the inventory on weight or amount of slots
  • Dynamic slot creation
  • Weight based
  • Slot based

Initial inventory

  • It is possible to assign starting items
  • The amount of inventory slots can be tweaked per inventory


  • The Inventory component can be switched to a vendor by clicking ”Is vendor”
  • The vendor is based on a trade list which can use categories to spawn items.
  • You can tweak the sell and buy price multipliers for the vendor
  • The vendors do have: “Not interested” categories.
  • Vendor has an amount of coins and cannot buy if it is not sufficient.


  • The Inventory component can be switched to a loot chest.
  • The loot is based on a loot list. I’ve set up low, medium and high-quality loot chests
  • The loot can be determined perchance, per category, and even per item!


  • The Vendor and loot chest have a restock and reset ability. The timer will trigger after interaction.
  • Each item restocked can be set:
  • A chance to spawn
  • If spawning, what is the min and max amount that should be spawned.
  • If restocking, don’t exceed this number of items.


  • The inventory component can be used for crafting abilities.
  • The player also has crafting abilities without a workstation. Open your personal inventory to see the crafting options of the player (Tab or I).
  • Crafting is recipe based. So the player needs to know the recipe to be able to see and craft the item.
  • Recipes are category based. E.g. Fish can only be cooked at a fireplace/campfire.
  • The crafting station can have the option to have an On/Off requirement.
  • It can also require fuel to be consumed. The accepted fuel can be set as an priority and manually be defined.
  • Fuel can anything like: Sticks, logs, coal or whatever you like to define.
  • Crafting queues can be cancelled per stack or for all.

About HyperHyper is empowering virtual world builders like yourself. Eric Ruts is running it and is the creator of all assets.

I would like you to focus on the creative side of your project, and I want to provide you with the building blocks to kickstart your dream. I have spent years of work on the assets I have made available and you are able to leverage that knowledge and work on your project! Please feel free to share your projects in Discord or via mail! I would love to know what awesome things you are working on.

Quality First

The best and nothing less. Our core principles keep our assets the top of what’s available.

Where possible:

·        Complete and flexible, I include the most common use cases for most types of games in our products.

·        Data-Driven approach, so adapting is easy. We provide spreadsheets for mass edits.

·        Flawless integrations.

·        Blueprint only, so we keep it accessible for you and your complete team.

·        Extensive documentation, I try to comment on everything in the code. Besides that, the systems come with documentation after verification. I try to not only explain what happens by also why. I want you to be able to learn.

·        I aim for my assets to be production-ready.

Example Images and content

On the product page, I use some example images of how it can look in a populated scene. That populated scene is not included. The scene in the example area is. Check out the demo for the full experience!

Technical Details

·        Enhanced Input

·        Network Replicated

·        I expect it to work on all platforms, only tested on windows

·        Main logic implemented in actor components so you can drag and drop it on an actor

·        Datatable driven where possible


Blueprints: 185

Meshes: 416

Materials: 234

Textures: 1219

Multiplayer Survival FrameworkAll my v2 assets van be combined to a Multiplayer Survival Framework. Check out the details in the discord to get early access!

Support, community & Documentation📁:Initial Support like bug encounters, datamodels, and a supportive community are available after purchase verification. You can do so by mail or via Discord. The latter has an automated bot that works via a command to verify.

Documentation📑can be viewed and downloaded via the Discord without verification. All my YouTube 🎥 tutorials are also available there.

The discord is a meeting place where other game developers in the same boat as you can discuss, showcase, and help each other out. That also includes me, the developer [Eric].

I try to comment on everything in the code. I try to not only explain what happens by also why. I want you to be able to learn.

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You can contact us at any time and request that the asset you want be added to the site from the Request Asset section.

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