Line Of Sight MP





You can select elements that will always be visible on the screen (e.g. floor, walls) and select those elements that will not be visible outside your character’s field of view (e.g. enemies, foliage, Particles, other players and anything where you can apply material).


The Asset is great for tactical games and horror games.


It can also be applied to ThirdPersonCharacter. Do you like third-person games but find it annoying when players stand at the edge of the wall and peek? This asset can solve that problem!


However, keep in mind that the asst only works in 2D space! Asset works in either XY axis for TopDown or ZY axis for SideScroller. For ThirdPersonCharacter, XY is also used and everything will work fine until some player climbs the hill.


The default multiplayer supports up to 5 players. This is the most convenient mode and requires almost no customization. But you can increase the maximum number of supported players (I tested multiplayer for 8 players), but it will take some time to customize (more details in the documentation).

This asset only creates a visual effect that only works on the client side.


The algorithm uses regular light (PointLight or SpotLight) and Render target texture. Look up “quick start” in the documentation and you’ll understand how the asset works.


Important. If you want to make a game for co-operative passing, then the cone of the partner will not display objects for the other player. Therefore, for co-operative playthrough the asset is not very good.


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