Modular Staircase Blueprint


Quick Walkthrough Video: Link


This blueprint is designed to make placing stairs in your scene as painless as possible. Every game is different, so I tried to expose as many variables as I could. Being modular, you can put in your own assets, update the assets measurements (so the blueprint knows how to calculate everything), and simply scale the blueprint itself to see the results. It will automatically update as you scale it, calculating the appropriate number, sizes and locations of assets depending on the options you have chosen.


You can enable and disable each piece, you can control the height of the floors (not tied into the height of the stair geometry, things will automatically scale for you), control individual materials, draw distances, railing offsets to pull them away from edges, pillar controls independent X and Y directions, material updates. There are a broad number of exposed options for you to take advantage of.


There are a total of 2 blueprints included in this pack. 1 is for the stairs itself, and the other is an assets ‘information’ tool to help judge the size of your asset based on the bounds relative to the pivot point. It is useful for quickly finding your assets measurements if you don’t want to update the values in the stairs blueprint trying to find it.

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