MonoWheel Bike

Demo Video

Integration Tutorial

This package contains one MonoWheel Bike, along with animations for a rider, particle effects for dust trails, and audio for its movement. There is one core actor for the bike itself, and then a demo third person character (or 2 for UE5 versions) set up with the animations to ride it, and a basic trace and message node to interact with/enter it by request. This bike can be ridden along the ground like a normal bike, or made to transform into a flying vehicle to get around in the air when/if desired.

There are four bike meshes, a flight version, a non flight version that has a lower performance cost, and an outlined version of each mesh if you want black outlines/anime style. There are four sets of materials for the bike, and they all allow for color masking to modify and adjust the appearance to better match your own projects needs. This pack comes with assets and example characters for both UE4 and UE5 mannequins/skeletons making integration as quick and easy as possible.

The bike itself is using the default engines “Character” class of actor, rather than a wheeled vehicle. This means it’s got some limitations on physics and stuff that you might expect on other vehicles, but on the flip side makes it easier to integrate with most general AI systems on the marketplace. The main reason for this choice was simply that… actual physics using vehicles didn’t work well with the mono wheel design and kept flipping out, or falling over, or doing other wacky things… But hey, this still works well for most cases so for most people it’s a non issue, but still may be for a few so be warned.

Technical Details


  •  An awesome bike that lets you ride around in a single giant wheel.
  • It can fly, opening a gap with two contra rotating fan layers to keep it aloft.
  •  Includes audio, dust particle effects, and other things to make it feel and sound good out of the box.
  • 4 material sets, with color masking to further customize the appearance to your desires.
  • Allows for a rider to enter and exit it, including animaitons for that from the bikes right side.
  • Works in multiplayer, though turning speeds vary slightly between clients and server, so may not be ideal for all multiplayer uses.

Number of Blueprints: 1 Bike blueprint, 1(2 in UE5) demo rider blueprints, a custom Blueprint Interface for the bike, and associated animations blueprints.

Input: Demo is setup for use with controller, and gamepad.

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No


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