Black Eye Cameras


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Powerful cinematically aware camera tools for the Unreal Engine

Designed by creators for creators, the Black Eye camera system redefines 3D cinematography in Unreal. This plugin offers lightning-fast previs, intuitive layout tools, and robust gameplay camera controls. Experiment freely, iterate instantly, and bring your ideas to life with unmatched control and efficiency.

Who’s it for?

Gameplay Designers

Quickly craft dynamic cameras with adaptive look-at and follow behaviors, with settings saved directly in play mode. Black Eye’s cameras track and respond to game actions and have components which can elevate genres such as driving, 3rd person AA, first person POV, RTS, sidescroller and more.


Cutscene Artists

Create cinematic sequences with adaptive cameras that adjust to changes in character size, speed, or location. With Black Eye, a single cutscene setup works across variable scenarios, adapting automatically for seamless storytelling.


Pre-visulization Artists

Create a set of Black Eye shots – wide, close up, drone, cowboy – whatever – and assemble them onto Sequencer.  Try opening with the wide shot then a close up, or maybe the other way around.  Move the characters around. Move some cameras around – it all still works. With Black Eye cameras you don’t need to do the camera animations at the end. Setup the shots and mix up your edit and get closer to your story.


What you get

The Black Eye camera plugin is compatible with Unreal 5.1-5.5, and all platforms it deploys to.


Follow Component

The Follow component moves the camera. It has multiple controls for damping, small subject motion deadzones, what object to follow including multiple objects and bias weighting between them. There are controls for offset in local or world space and the coordinate space you’d like the camera to work in – world, subject or subject heading.  With these controls you can create everything from a subject locked-on Gopro shot to a camera which lazily follows a flock of objects and anything in between.


LookAt Component

Manages camera rotation with a “through-the-lens” approach, providing extensive controls for screen-space framing. Track entire shapes or specific points on characters, or multiple characters. There’s controls for how heavy the camera follows the subject, dynamic FOV with lens limits and custom zoom damping. Is your subject moving fast and you want to leave some compositional room in front of it? We got you covered with a velocity-based look ahead.


Each module in the Black Eye plugin represents over 10 years of refinement across multiple game engines and projects.


Demo scene

Examples for many common setups, cameras tacking and following objects in all different configurations so you can see how things are set up.


Pre-configured camera blueprints

Ready-to-use camera rigs, simply assign a subject to follow and/or look at, and you’re off.


Detailed documentation

In-depth guides complete with example GIFs, tips, and clear breakdowns of every feature.

Future upgrades

This is just the beginning!  Receive free updates, including exciting new features and continuous improvements. See below for our roadmap


What does the Black Eye camera plugin do?

Black Eye is a camera animation system. Instead of traditional keyframing, configure your cameras with specific framing, distance, damping, and composition settings—they’ll automatically track and follow subjects with cinematic precision, no matter the scenario. Of course you can keyframe the cameras if you wish, or keyframe higher level ideas like the composition. Say you want to dynamically track something and have it start on the left of the screen and end on the right, a few keyframs will set the desired subject movement on screen and Black Eye will do the rest. Think of Black Eye as an army of your very own camera operator robots – tell them the shots you want and they’ll follow your direction.


How do I know if I need this?

Are you keyframing cameras which follow and track subjects? Are you working on a game with a dynamic camera that follows something? Are you doing cutscenes for a video game or rapid layout or previs in film? You might find that Black Eye will revolutionize your workflow.


Is this a new type of UE camera?

No, Black Eye is an animation layer that works above standard Unreal or CineCams, integrating seamlessly with postFX and lens settings. It even auto-focuses based on your subjects. Whatever you’ve got going on with your UE camera(s) now won’t change, Black Eye will help you animate it.


Does Black Eye work in all situations?

For static shots in fixed environments, traditional keyframing might be better. But for any dynamic scenario involving moving subjects, Black Eye is a powerful solution.


Is it Sequencer compatible?

Absolutely— just drag a Black Eye actor onto your Camera Cuts track in Sequencer and jump in.

What about future releases?

All buyers receive access to ongoing updates with new features, bug fixes, and improvements.

Meet the creators

Gerald Orban and Adam Myhill have been working on camera stuff pretty much their entire careers. Black Eye is the culmination of their most powerful ideas and refined workflows, honed across years of work on numerous projects and real-time 3D engines.


Gerald Orban

Technical Lead on the original Cinemachine, Gerald brings a wealth of expertise in camera systems and procedural tooling. As a senior developer on Unity’s innovation team, he specializes in natural language interfacing and machine learning for real-time applications, making tools that are powerful yet intuitive.


Adam Myhill

With 20+ years in camera systems across major studios like EA and Blackbird Interactive, Adam has over 40 game credits. He created Cinebot, Cinemachine, Cinecast, and Metacast, and served as Creative Director at Unity for six years. An experienced cinematographer, Adam is also one of Unity’s top patent holders and a Technical Emmy winner.

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