Cable Tie





Cable Tie gives you the ability to combine multiple output pins into a single output pin. It is basically a reroute node on steroids! Additionally, you can store all the combined values in a variable or a container, just like a struct.



  • Blueprint nodes to make/break a Cable Tie that combines multiple pins into one pin.
  • New context menu actions for easy creation and modification of not only a “Make Cable Tie” node but also “Make Array/Set/Map” nodes.
  • Cable Tunnels for connecting parts of the graph without a visible cable,
  • The Cable Tie & Tunnels can be optimized away, like simple reroute nodes.
  • The Cable Tie can also be stored for later use in a simple variable or a container.
  • Works with class blueprints (actor, component, object, etc.), level blueprints, and animation blueprints.
  • Works in event graphs, functions, and macros.
  • Supports most of the types: numerics (int, float, etc.), strings, texts, names, objects, and classes.
  • Does not support reference parameters.


[Tutorial – Basics]

[Tutorial – Special Ops]

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