DLC In Blueprints Pro V3


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📄 Written Documentation(Steam) | Written Documentation(EGS)

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🤔 Lite Vs Pro, What’s The Difference?

Lite Includes: Steam Platform Support.

Pro Includes: Steam Platform Support + Epic Games Store Platform Support.


🔥 About

This plugin allows you to integrate Steam and Epic Games Store DLC systems into your project using a single, modular blueprint node. It’s designed to fit seamlessly into any project, offering both ease of use and powerful features



✅ Features(Steam Platform):

  • Check if DLC and/or the game is purchased and installed on the players Steam account.
  • Open the store page for targeted game or DLC via the Steam overlay with a single blueprint node.
  • Ability to open any webpage such as your games website, a social media profile, or anything else you might have all from a single blueprint node within the Steam overlay.
  • Anti-Piracy protection by allowing you to code your game logic with Steam client ownership verification.


✅ Features(Epic Games Store Platform):

  • Check if DLC or game is purchased on players epic games account.
  • Open a checkout window within the epic games store overlay for quick in-game purchases(EGS Only).
  • Ability to quickly and easily add microtransactions to your game via Epic Games Store.
  • Anti-Piracy protection by allowing you to code your game logic with Epic Games Store ownership verification.
  • Retrieve information about the game and its DLC such as its price, title, description, release/expiration date, and more from within blueprints, great for automating widget changes for an in-game store such as automatic price changes from a sale.
  • Login the player automatically from the Epic Games launcher to enable overlay and other EGS online features with a single node.



Important note: Epic Games Store functionality is only supported on engine versions 5.0 and up.

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