Mesh Tool

Mesh Tool is an mesh editor for Unreal Engine. It allows you to edit mesh assets and prototype props and levels without leaving Unreal Editor.

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Technical Details

Highlight of Features:Select & Transform

  • Vertex/Edge/Face/Quad/Object Mode
  • Select/Translate/Rotate/Scale elements
  • Vertex Snap
  • Delta Transform
  • Marquee Select
  • Convert Selection between Vertex/Edge/Face
  • Show/Hide Transform Widget
  • Customizable Transform Widget Pivot

Vertex Op

  • Create Face from Selected Vertices
  • Collapse/Weld Vertices
  • Align Vertices
  • Set as Ruler

Edge Op

  • Split/Turn/Bridge/Extrude Edges
  • Insert Edge Loop

Face Op

  • Slab Transform
  • Draw Quad/Circle/Box on Customizable Draw Plane
  • Flip Faces Normal
  • Extrude/Inset/Duplicate/Separate Faces
  • Assign Material to Individual Faces
  • Flatten Faces / Plane Cut/ Mirror Faces

Texture Map (UV) Op

  • Planar or Box Mapping
  • Pan/Rotate/Scale/Flip UV
  • Match UV / Flow UV

Object Op

  • Flip All /Weld All Vertices
  • Hide/Show Other Actors
  • Recompute Normal
  • Insert Primitive
  • Auto UV / Auto Smooth

Mesh Op

  • Save/Duplicate/Browse to Current Editing Static Mesh


– MeshTool (Editor)

Important/Additional Notes:

– Full c++ source code included, works with both Luancher and Github builds

– Works with both C++ and Blueprint only projects

– Supported Development Platforms: Windows (Prebuilt Binary for Mac but not tested)

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You can contact us at any time and request that the asset you want be added to the site from the Request Asset section.

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Attention: you can buy an asset, and if you want to open it in any …