PLEASE Verify yourselves after purchasing so that we know what you are talking about when you ask and assign supporter who is good at specific plugin.
MORE documents and tutorials are available on discord once you join discord too(no need to purchase first)
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/BZJJshZ
What is multiplayer with blueprints?
Multiplayer with Blueprints is an easy to use framework that will save years of work on your multiplayer projects. Works for desktop & mobile game dev.
Great for beginners learning to setup multiplayer or pros who want a fast and basic solution.
free test servers (up to 125 hours per month) for up to a year
Our Discord support team has 10 years of experience in aws, Linux, macOS, iOS, android, windows, and cloud technology.
IOS is supported. you can release your game on the IOS platform and pass apple reviews with this plugin.
Linux Arm64 server is supported from 5.1
Uses Amazon Web Services: Gamelift + Cognito + DynamoDB + Lambda
Getting Started With UE5: Youtube
for android: armeabi-v7a is no longer supported from 4.25
google play store will stop serving armeabi-v7a apk from 1st, August 2021.
Technical Details
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
- Sign up
- Login
- Forget Password
- Authenticate Users
- SRP and MFA
- Query
- Scan
- Update
- Put
- Delete
- Create Game Session
- Create Player Session
- Start Matchmaking
- Invoke functions in Lambda Service
Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))
- CognitoIdp [Runtime]
- CognitoIdentity [Runtime]
- GameLift [Runtime]
- GameLift Server [Runtime]
- DynamoDB [Runtime]
- DynamoDBStreams [Runtime]
- Lambda [Runtime]
All nodes are latency functions and multi-thread support.
You can’t use them in normal function. you can use them in blueprint graph and macros.
Number of Blueprints: 210
Number of C++ Classes: 7
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Win64 / Mac(apple silicon supported) / Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64 / Mac / iOS / Android / Linux
Documentation: Link Document
Work in progress documentation: https://delightful-predict-709873.framer.app/aws/cognito-1
You can contact us at any time and request that the asset you want be added to the site from the Request Asset section.