Runtime Vertex Paint & Detection Plugin




This Powerful tool that makes it possible to Paint, Remove and Detect Vertex Colors in Runtime on Static, Skeletal, Spline, Dynamic and Instanced Meshes in several different ways!


Utilize Per Vertex Info such as Vertex Color, Position, Normal, Material, UVs, Physics Surface and even Average Vertex Color, Colors in Percent, Colors of Each Bone, and much more that can enable New Mechanics, Game Modes as well as Incredible Attention to Detail!


The Plugin supports Multi Threading which makes it possible to perform multiple tasks at the same time without significant performance loss!




-PrismaticaDev Plugin Overview Video

-Wet & Drying with Echo

-Combined with Skinned Decal Component

-Sword Slash & Blood Spread

-Volumetric Sphere Smoke

-Volumetric Cube with World Interaction

-Compare Colors to Color Snippet

-Instanced Mesh / Foliage

-Dynamic Mesh Component

-Geometry Collection

-Graffiti, Whiteboard & Paper Painting

-Vehicle and Paint on Wheel

-Dry Surfaces Dry Character

UDS: UDS + Western TownWeather Sample ProjectMelting Snow into WaterUDS + SlayAnimationUDS + EchoUDS + Line of Sight

-Unreal Water

-Paint Circles

-Prevent FX from Clipping Through Geometry

-Snow Melting

-Fire Spread

-Rolling Around in Filth

-Optimized Particle Painting using Randomization



-Painting 100+ Cubes at the same time

-Task Speed on Skel Meshes using Bone Optimization Feature

-Task Speed

-Painting on 980k Vertices

-Painting on 50k Vertices 5 LODs


User Showcases

-Crazy Mikes Skeletal Mesh Procedural Deforming

-3D人-3dnchus Particle Painting

-WowzThirds Line of Sight

-Peter Gubins Electricity Spreading

-Mel’s Bullet Holes using only Vertex Painting



-Porting Fire Example to a new Project

-80LV Article



Vertex Colors vs. Runtime Virtual Texture & Decals

With Vertex Colors you have the power of the Material Editor to manipulate things per Vertex like Paint/Removing Colors! This may require you to have a higher vertex count for something that may otherwise not need it like a flat floor, which ofc isn’t an issue for RVTs or Decals.

Decals are also faster than painting with colors, but each Decal is also a Draw Call, which may affect performance.

With Vertex Colors we can also Detect, and not just what Physics Surface and Colors on Closest Vertex, but also the % of each channel/physics surface and a lot more.



Planned Features

-Nanite Mesh Painting in Runtime

Landscape Layer Info Painting in Runtime

-Support for Min LOD to be anything other than 0. Useful for Metahumans where you may want Min LOD to be 1 or 2

-Register and Paint up to 16 Physics Surfaces on one Material



Post Launch Added Features

-Paint Within Area Capsule & Cone Shape

-Lerp Color to a Target Value

-Get Colors Within Area

-Paint Group Snippets

-Compare Colors to Multiple Color Snippets

-Instanced Mesh / Foliage Support

-Dynamic Mesh & Geometry Collection Component Support

-Override Vertex Colors to Apply. So users can create their own Paint Conditions!

-Paint Using Physics Surface. So instead of hard setting the values on RGBA, you can for instance paint Water Surface, and it applies colors to whatever channel Water is registered to. If Physics Surface Families is setup, then even if it doesn’t have Water, but has child, for instance Asphalt-Water, then it can apply to that instead, or vice versa, which makes this extremely useful.

-Compare Colors to Array of Colors.

-Paint With different types of Conditions. For instance Line of Sight, to the Sun for example to Dry Faster on parts of a wet Mesh.

-Paint Wheels Component. A component that enables you to paint the wheels of a vehicle with what it drives over, and/or paint the surface under the wheel with whatever is on it.

-Paint Entire Mesh at Random Vertices. Simulate for instance Rain or Snow by having the colors be applied randomly over the Mesh

+ Much More



-Spline Mesh Vertex Painting is doesn’t work in Editor or Runtime in Versions: 5.2, 5.3, 5.4

-Geometry Collection is 5.3+, Experimental & Editor Only

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