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Read Decay: Oil Drums District Documentation
Static Mesh List Decay: Oil Drums District Documentation (Page 30)
—- Reviews —-
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───────────── SUMMARY ─────────────
Decay: Oil Drums District
- For all creators: solo game makers to big studios
- Ideal for storytelling in a world past its prime
- Over 450 static mesh pieces
- Smart shaders
- Simplifies building a wasteland world
- Designed for fun and easy use
───────────── FEATURES ──────────────
4 Master-Shaders: Make things look real, from weather-beaten signs to metal that’s seen too much rain.
280+ Instances: Set up your scenes with plants and land that show nature taking back its space.
457 Textures: Get all kinds of super detailed and realistic textures, with over 115 different kinds to choose from.
450 Unique Assets: You’ll find bits and bobs like plates and cups left behind, tires, barrels, and parts to put together shacks and shelters. Plus, 25 ready-made buildings to drop into your scene.
Blueprint-Based Tools: Easy-to-use tools help you lay down powerlines and change up colors on metal stuff, so no two pieces look the same.
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