Stylized Mythical Weapons

VideoPresentation UE4 Present Weapon – YouTube

Preview on the engineAxe: Axe – YouTube

Boomerang: Boomerang – YouTube

Crossbow: Crossbow – YouTube

Dagger: Dagger – YouTube

Gun: Gun – YouTube

Hammer: Hammer – YouTube

Scythe: Scythe – YouTube

Spear: Spear – YouTube

Sword: Sword – YouTube

Сhakram: Сhakram – YouTube

TopologyAxeTriangles 9282

Vertices 4693

SwordTriangles 5724

Vertices 2902

HammerTriangles 9142

Vertices 4603

ScytheTriangles 9740

Vertices 4974

BumerangTriangles 5690

Vertices 2851

SpearTriangles 6440

Vertices 3299

DaggerTriangles 3798

Vertices 1933

GunTriangles 12114

Vertices 6112

CrossbowTriangles 10750

Vertices 5431

ChakramTriangles 1454

Vertices 729


Total:Triangles: 74134Vertices: 37527Other

  • Textures of different resolutions
  • Simple animations

(14) Animation Crossbow – YouTube

(14) Animation Boom and Chak – YouTube

(14) Animation Ring – YouTube

(14) Animation Gun – YouTube

  • Animation platform
  • Three color variations

Technical Details

LODs: (No)

Texture Resolutions: (1024 – 4096)

Animated: (Yes)

Rigged: (Yes) (Dummy)

Number of Animations: 7 ( + 1 platform )

Number of Unique Meshes: 11

Number of Weapon: 10

Vertex counts of weapon: (729 – 6112)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 34 + 1 platform )

Number of Textures: 463 ( Textures of different resolutions / +5 platform )

Creature Insect : Normal, AO, Albedo, Metallic, Emissive, Roughness

Supported Development Platforms: Windows & Mac

Important/Additional Notes: (No)

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Yes)

Documentation: (No)

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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