Viking Weapons Package

This package contains 25 Vikings Weapons, including: ShieldsKnivesAxes, Swords and more. With Mixed Stilyzed PBR Textures, Customizable Materials, and Multi Texture Resolutions from 2048x2048 to 4096x4096.

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Technical Details


  • Multi Resolution Textures: 2048×2048 to 4096×4096.
  • Mixed Stylized PBR Textures (Physically Based Rendering).
  • Channel Packed RGB Texture (Roughness, Metallic, Ambient Occlusion).
  • Optimized for Games.

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 25

Tris Count: 500 to 2,406

Number of Materials: 2

Number of Material Instances: 45

Number of Textures: 95

Texture Resolutions: 2048 and 4096

LODs: No.

Collision: Custom (Handmade).

Nomenclatures and Sufixes of Asset Pack

SM_ : Static Meshes.

T_ : Textures.

_BC : Base Color.

_N : Normal Maps.

M_ : Materials.

_RMA : Roughness, Metallic and Ambient Occlusion.

BP_ : Blueprints.

MI_ : Material Instances.

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