HTTP & JSON Blueprint Utility




At Unreal Center Quality comes first. This complex yet simple-to-use plugin was developed with designers and blueprinters in mind to bridge the gap between C++’s JSON & HTTP functionality, exposing all necessary features from C++ to Unreal Engine’s blueprint system. Providing you with 90 new blueprint nodes!



  • Load any text file from the user’s machine into Unreal Engine. Includes ASYNC capability.
  • Save any text file from the engine to the user’s machine. Includes ASYNC capability.
  • Parse JSON-style text files into usable JSON objects in Unreal Engine.
  • All the required “GETTERS” with “Success” validation for JSON objects.
  • All the required “SETTERS” with “Success” validation for JSON objects.
  • Custom “GETTERS” & “SETTERS” For JSON Vector, Vector2D, Rotation, Byte, Colour and Transform.
  • All the required UTILITY nodes. For instance, “Has Field“, “Remove field” etc… for JSON objects.
  • Load any binary file from the user’s machine into Unreal Engine. Includes ASYNC capability.
  • Save any binary file from the engine to the user’s machine. Includes ASYNC capability.
  • ASYNC HTTP request node. With the ability to (GET, HEAD, DELETE, TRACE, POST,PUT,PATCH) (Not ASYNC also available)
  • ASYNC Download HTTP request node. Provides the ability to download files from web into your project as binary.
  • ASYNC HTTP Multipart request. Ability to communicate with Multipart styled API requests in blueprints. (Not ASYNC also available)
  • ASYNC HTTP Multipart file upload request. Ability to communicate with Multipart styled API requests along side uploading binary data to desired APIs. (Not ASYNC also available)
  • Full WebSocket support. Allowing for string and binary Realtime data communication.
  • Convert Binary image data directly into Texture2D format.
  • Ability to convert JSON data into STRUCT data.
  • Ability to convert STRUCT data into JSON data.
  • Ability to pull nested array data from JSON arrays.
  • Ability to easily create JSON arrays in format {“words”:[“AB”, “BC”, “CD”, “DE”, “EF”, “FG”]}
  • Ability to insert one JSON object into another JSON object.
  • Encode & Decode Binary data into base64 encryption.
  • A Showcase Project created specifically for learning and exploring the functionality in a sandbox environment.
  • Easy to read and understand C++ code


Developed by a dedicated Unreal Engine user, the plugin ensures that the exposed blueprint nodes are not only functional and bug-free, but also offer an extremely user-friendly and scalable blueprint design. This allows for the creation of complex blueprint systems with minimal performance impact.



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