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NPC Crowd System

View : Trailer / How it Works / Integration


Video Tutorials: NPC Crowd System Tutorials

Demo Game for a few features: Here

Integration Tutorial with Other Marketplace Contents:

Ultra Dynamic Sky Integration (DayTime)

Easy Survival RPG Integration

Advanced Locomotion System Integration

NPC Crowd System

  • Create in-game NPC Crowd easily!
  • Crowd System doesn’t use any behavior tree (You can keep your behavior tree and trigger it when you need)
  • Player can interact with NPC
  • NPC Can Flee & Get Damage & Can say something to Player
  • Just add 1 component to your characters (That’s it!)

Technical Details

Main Features:

  •  NPC Can interact with 2 Points (like pickup item from point A, drop it to Point B
  •  Area interactions for multiple NPC
  •  If the player hits the NPC make him stumble
  • Activate and Disable Interactions in-game

Number of Blueprints: 2 Component, a Total of 18 Blueprints

Sample Animations Included: 18

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: (No)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Yes)


Documentation: Here

And more features will come!

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