Sci Fi Turrets Pack

This Turrets are designed to create a action packed experience for any shooter/survivor game genre. All assets have been made using a modern pipeline.

Preview: YouTube

******** Update Aug 12, 2021 ********

Turrets can fire from any position (You can attach the turrets to the floor, wall or ceiling)

Types of turrets:

  • Gatling Turret
  • Gauss Turret
  • Sniper Turret
  • Tesla Turret
  • Flamethower Turret
  • Missile Turret


  • Turrets with individual specialties and many adjustable settings.
  • Meshes with FWN (Face Weighted Normals)
  • Customizable procedural base materials
  • Blueprint assets
  • Unique Sounds Effects
  • Particles

Technical Details


      ◩ Nanite & Lumen Support: [✔] (see documentation)

Number of Unique Meshes: 16 static meshes

Vertex Count: 80 to 75,698

LODs: Yes, automatically generated

Collision: Yes

Number of Textures: 8

Texture Resolutions: 256 to 2048

Number of Materials: 2

Number of Master Materials: 1

Number of Materials Instances: 23

Number of Blueprints: 17

Number of Sounds: 20

Number of Particle: 9


Network Replicated: No

☯ Engine Compatibility: 4.26 – 5+

Documentation Included: No (only video preview)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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