SciFi Grasshopper Mono Bike

        ▶ Showcase Video

✎ Documentation

★ Abilities:

↪ The Monobike can jump

↪ The Monobike has an acceleration

★ Features:

↪ High Resolution Textures (Atlases)

↪ Meshes with FWN (Face Weighted Normals)

↪ Customizable procedural base materials (Master Material)

↪ Quick color and material adjustments

↪ Parallax Materials Instances

↪ Vertex Paint

↪ Unique Sounds Effects

↪ Particles

Technical Details

 ★ Blueprints: 4

★ Blueprints (Component): 1

▼ Static Meshes: 35

↪ Vertex Count: 236 to 47920

↪ Scaled to Epic Skeleton: [✔]

◩ LODs: [✔] automatically generated

▨ Collision: [✔]

♫ Sound(s): 7

♫ Sound(s) (Cue): 8

♫ Sound(s) (Attenuation): 3

▩ Material(s): 5

▩ Material(s) (Instance): 33

▦ Texture(s): 2

▦ Textures (Atlases):

↪ ACH Atlas (AO + Curvature + Heightmap) – 2K

↪ Emission Atlas – 2K

↪ ID Atlas – 2K

↪ NormalMap Atlas – 2K

↪ Decal Atlas – 2K

☢ Particle(s): 6

◉ Map(s): 1

☯ Engine Compatibility: 4.26 – 5.1

✎ Documentation Included: [✔]

❖ Supported Development Platforms:

↪ Windows: [✔]

↪ Mac: [✔]

↪ Linux: [✔]

VIP Downloads Today: 0 of 0



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