Kronos Matchmaking


Kronos Matchmaking is a complete matchmaking solution for Unreal Engine featuring skill based matchmaking, an in-depth party and lobby framework, a reservation system for sessions, and more!

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  • Continuous skill based matchmaking – Fully automated system that handles everything from finding and joining sessions, to resolving connections, requesting reservations, and establishing the connection with the desired host.
  • Start matchmaking with a single blueprint node – Once matchmaking is started, everything is handled by the plugin automatically. Sessions will be queried and the player will join the best available session. If no sessions were found, the matchmaking will decide whether to widen the search range and start a new search, or whether it should switch over to hosting role – creating a new session. These decisions are made based on the parameters you’ve set for the matchmaking.
  • Built-in party and reservation systems – The party system allows players to start matchmaking and join games together. While in a party, players have a lightweight connection with the party host directly in the main menu with support for replication and RPCs. The reservation system ensures that all players joining together will have an open slot in the session during the connection process.
  • Steam® and EOS support – Kronos is built on the Online Subsystem framework of Unreal Engine. The Online Subsystem is an interface that provide a common way to access the functionality of online services such as Steam® or EOS. This means that Kronos can support these online platforms out of the box without requiring any code changes!
  • No server fees, or any external service costs – Sessions are going to be hosted on player’s machines directly in regular listen-server fashion, and the session’s data will be advertised through the online platform’s own backend (e.g. Steam servers).
  • Easy project integration – Kronos was built as a standalone plugin from the ground up with seamless project integration in mind. Once you have the Online Subsystem configured, all you have to do is override the Online Session class and you are ready to start matchmaking! The plugin doesn’t have any dependencies to what happens in matches, so integrating it into existing projects or templates is very easy. In most cases you just have to replace the Create, Find, or Join Session nodes with their Kronos counterparts.
  • Continuous long-term support – Kronos has been on the market for almost two years now. During this time we have shipped over 20+ updates with several new features, fixes, and improvements. For a full list of changes please refer to the changelog linked above. A new update is being released usually every 1-2 months!




  • No dedicated server support – This plugin is designed for the P2P listen server model.
  • No split-screen support – The plugin expects only a single local player to exist.
  • Parties are not persistent – Due to the nature of Online Beacons, parties are disbanded when joining a game. Parties can be reconnected after returning to the main menu.
  • Third party integration recommended for EOS – The default EOS Online Subsystem of Unreal Engine currently does not support Online Beacons, which is required for our party and reservation systems to work. We recommend using the EOS Integration Kit (EIK) instead as we have full support between the two plugins!


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